Gain Table
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 1:42 am
I am having trouble understanding how the gain table works. I have 6 frequency bands and 2 input channels, so 6X2 = 12 total, I understand why there are 12. But if I were to increase the gain for both inputs at the 500 Hz band by 20 dB will I have to change the .gtdata to = [[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[20 20 20];[20 20 20];[20 20 20];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[10 10 10];[0 0 0]] to reflect this change? Also, what's the difference between [0 0 0] vs [0 0 0 0] in the .gtdata.
This is the code.
nchannels_in = 2
fragsize = 64
srate = 44100
# MHA library name
mhalib = transducers
# IO plugin library name
iolib = MHAIOJackdb
mha.plugin_name = overlapadd
mha.calib_in.peaklevel = [90 90]
mha.calib_out.peaklevel = [90 90]
mha.overlapadd.fftlen = 256
mha.overlapadd.wnd.len = 128
mha.overlapadd.plugin_name = mhachain
# list of plugins
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.algos = [ ...
fftfilterbank ...
dc ...
combinechannels ...
# Frequency bands
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.fftfilterbank.f = [250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000]
# gaintable data in dB gains
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.gtdata = [[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[20 20 20];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[10 10 10];[0 0 0]]
# input level for first gain entry in dB SPL
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.gtmin = [0]
# level step size in dB
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.gtstep = [40]
# attack time constant in s
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.tau_attack = [0.02]
# decay time constant in s
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.tau_decay = [0.1]
# Name of fftfilterbank plugin. Used to extract frequency information.
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.fb = fftfilterbank
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.chname = fftfilterbank_nchannels
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.combinechannels.outchannels = 2
Thank you
io.con_in = [system:capture_1 system:capture_1]
io.con_out = [system:playback_1 system:playback_2]
I am having trouble understanding how the gain table works. I have 6 frequency bands and 2 input channels, so 6X2 = 12 total, I understand why there are 12. But if I were to increase the gain for both inputs at the 500 Hz band by 20 dB will I have to change the .gtdata to = [[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[20 20 20];[20 20 20];[20 20 20];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[10 10 10];[0 0 0]] to reflect this change? Also, what's the difference between [0 0 0] vs [0 0 0 0] in the .gtdata.
This is the code.
nchannels_in = 2
fragsize = 64
srate = 44100
# MHA library name
mhalib = transducers
# IO plugin library name
iolib = MHAIOJackdb
mha.plugin_name = overlapadd
mha.calib_in.peaklevel = [90 90]
mha.calib_out.peaklevel = [90 90]
mha.overlapadd.fftlen = 256
mha.overlapadd.wnd.len = 128
mha.overlapadd.plugin_name = mhachain
# list of plugins
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.algos = [ ...
fftfilterbank ...
dc ...
combinechannels ...
# Frequency bands
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.fftfilterbank.f = [250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000]
# gaintable data in dB gains
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.gtdata = [[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[20 20 20];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[0 0 0];[10 10 10];[0 0 0]]
# input level for first gain entry in dB SPL
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.gtmin = [0]
# level step size in dB
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.gtstep = [40]
# attack time constant in s
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.tau_attack = [0.02]
# decay time constant in s
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.tau_decay = [0.1]
# Name of fftfilterbank plugin. Used to extract frequency information.
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.fb = fftfilterbank
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.dc.chname = fftfilterbank_nchannels
mha.overlapadd.mhachain.combinechannels.outchannels = 2
Thank you
io.con_in = [system:capture_1 system:capture_1]
io.con_out = [system:playback_1 system:playback_2]